The case in point is a brilliant video that Mobilink Microfinance Bank Limited has released on its 9th Anniversary celebrated recently. The video, besides celebrating its successes in microfinance, charts a roadmap for Pakistan’s economic recovery and prosperity. Here are a few themes that stand out:

Women Empowerment:

There is no denying that Pakistan cannot progress without including the whopping 49 percent of its population- the women, in the process of nation-building. Therefore, it is imperative that the proverbial glass ceiling barring women from participating in the development of this country is removed and shattered to a million pieces. The video beautifully showcases some of the groundbreaking initiatives the bank has taken to ensure maximum women participation in various fields of life so that women are enabled and empowered to take control of their lives and make a significant contribution to the economy.

Supporting Small & Medium Enterprises (SME’s):

Pakistan is one of the developing countries with high unemployment rates. With every university convocation, the pressure on the job market increases manifolds. It will understandably take years of planning and execution at the policy level to help absorb this massive talent pool. Meanwhile, there are a lot of people running their own small and medium businesses. They are not only supporting themselves but also taking a significant burden off the job market by employing other people. These medium & small businesses are crucial for the economy. With suitable support from the government and digital as well as financial agencies, they can grow to full-fledged businesses and have a larger impact on the overall economy. Mobilink Microfinance Bank has been making a difference for these enterprises through its innovative digital and financial solutions and capacity building of the entrepreneurs.

Groundbreaking Digital Solutions:

Digitization has revolutionized both life and work. However, it is important that technology is inclusive and accessible. Mobilink Microfinance Bank, the largest digital bank in Pakistan, is taking steps to usher the fruits of digitization to the lowest income stratum of the society, even in the remotest parts of the country. The financial inclusion of this otherwise ignored and marginalized segment is changing lives for good and opening a plethora of socio-economic opportunities for the betterment of their lives. The innovative digital and financial technologies are providing unprecedented ease and access to low-income households, small and medium businesses, and remote rural communities to better plan and utilize their finances. These useful services and solutions introduced by the bank impact the lives of millions of Pakistanis each day. Are you a jazz subscriber? You might want to know the latest jazz internet packages in 2021.

Housing Finance:

The video emphasizes Housing Finance as another key strategic priority for MMBL, whereby it aims to help its customers realize the dream of having their own house. This is a particularly positive step for the bank, especially as it dovetails with the government’s flagship program, Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme, which aims to provide families from middle to lower socio-economic strata with low-cost financing to buy or build their own homes. Such a step will relieve millions of families across the country from the burden of monthly rental payments and also allow them to use their freed-up financial resources for investment in business and entrepreneurial opportunities. Here is the video for your dose of hope and positivity