Instagram new Activity Status Dot will Let People Know When You Are ignoring them
Now your friend would be able to see that how much time you are spending on the Instagram. The concept of this feature is similar to that of Facebook Messenger. In Facebook Messenger, you can see when your friends or a person you have previously messaged is online. The online state of the person on Facebook is notified with a green dot. On Instagram when you would be online/active, your followers will see a small green bubble next to your name. Instagram shared that the basic goal of this Instagram new Activity Status Dot feature is to make communication easier for users within the app. While telling about the new feature, Instagram published a blog post. The company wrote that: “This update gives you the ability to have more of those realtime conversations while giving you the control to hide your status altogether” While this feature will make chatting more easier, it is also creepy. Now you would not be able to lie to a friend that you didn’t come online. This online feature of Instagram will also motivate its user to spend more time on the app.
If seen online on Instagram all the time annoys you, you can turn the feature off. Just go to “activity status” in the app’s main settings to disable activity status (when disabled, you won’t be able to view which of your friends are online, either). On the other hand, Instagram’s CEO revealed that the company is working on a feature that will notify users about the time they spent while using the app. t’s a must-have feature as now people will be able to know that how much time they waste on Instagram. No Doubt, Time is Money and it needs to be utilized in a proper way. Also Read: Now Instagram will Let you Monitor the Time You Spend Using It